“I’m busting outta this cell”. Wake me up with a happy tune and a freedom song & I’m up yelling whoopee yah ti ye in Texan. These guys don’t pull any punches in the caffeine department – no extra outside lift needed with Hayseed Dixie playing loud. “You think I’m dumb sitting under your thumb and following your rules. Making YOU money, bet you think that’s funny, bet you think that I’m your fool! That’s it, I quit!” Well, shoot, Maynyrd, didn’t you listen to the American history class about hows capitalism took slavery out from under the carcasses of the farmer man and stuck it in the factry? It grewed up from there to be what it is today – a few rich greedy folks and the rest of us. What the heck you thik you’re gonna do when you quit, Maynyrd? Live offa your mother? “I know what I’m gonna do. You can’t make no dough without me, no, so I’m thinkin’ that the fool is you.” Ah, shoot Maynyrd, you know you cain’t make it without me payin’ you a teensy bit of what you’re making for me. I work hard going over the books back there in that air-conditioned office making sure the government don’t get enny of my money. You just get yerself back to work in shovelin’ seed for the next guy pulls up. Get outta this office beforen you start ter git yustait. “I can see you lookin’ at me, you think I ain’t too bright. This world is turnin’ and your world’s gonna burn when the workers of the world unite.”
No one wants to admit it’s the workers making the money, not the folks in the big fancy offices. Truth be known, the government has stopped this movement before, and will probably stop it again when people start starvin’ again and lookin’ around at the fat cats profiting from the labor of the workers. That doesn’t make this song any less fun. Thanks Maynyrd! Hayseed Dixie
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