“Tell your boyfriend, if he says he's got beef, that I'm a vegetarian, and I ain't fugin' scared of him.” From time to time someone challenges me. This is a song that really bothers all my sensibilities. The way the narrator demeans women, the way he decides to incur the wrath of folks who are deaf and blind, the way he simply takes on the world like a nasty little 12 year old barf-bag. That’s when I started to see the humor – when I realized the narrator is simply taking on the persona of one of the middle class white wannabees – and succeeding at that while making music that is just plain fun to hear. I’m sold, go ahead, challenge my old sensitive self. “Shush, girl! Shut your lips! Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips! I said shush, girl!” LOL! Great fun. The shoutout is much more serious, I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby. The persona taken on here is one of a masochist who has no problem hurting little children. Lots of pain released in this song, and its very existence will call for some discussions around dinner tables that need to be had. Some very angry discussions, I hope. This is the nature of good writing, it has the ability to dig deep. Even as I dance.