Naomi Shelton and the Gospel Queens - What Is This?
Naomi has something deep in her soul she needs to share. “Whatever it is, I cannot hold back my peace! It makes me love my enemies. It makes me love my friends! It won’t let me be ashamed!” Scrumptious gospel truths couched in tasty blues power. “I just can’t hold my peace! Keep on praising God!” Naomi has the true depths of one that I know I’d spend a few hours with and come away blessed, glad to be alive and glad to know the truth of the Lord. The music feeds a hunger in this list of shoutout tunes you’ll be dancing on top of your pews singing along to - What Have You Done?, Trouble in My Way, By Your Side, and Lift My Burdens. A special shoutout for the powerful message of Am I Asking Too Much? In this song we are reminded of some simple truths that our nation has ignored for far too long. “When a child is hungry, he ought to be fed.” She chastises in a way that shames our “Christian” nation – “it don’t take a miracle to put food on the table”. She keeps the barbs coming. “They take my son and ship him off to Iraq. Am I asking too much to ask when he’s coming back?” Naomi Shelton and the Gospel Queens