If Putumayo insists on putting out a World Party CD on my birthday, well you just know it’s going to be played at my birthday party! That’s just the way it is around here at eartaste headquarters. And YES! It lives up to it’s claims of being a party CD. This particular collection is mostly new ska-reggae-samba flavors from around the world, but includes two classic cuts to keep the really old folks dancing. Two of the newer cuts that need to be shouted out are by Laid Back (who are anything but) from Denmark, and Sarazino from Canada. Laid Back keeps us Groovin’ On A Feeling - I’m just barely thinking about the strawberry covered cheesecake my daughter is whipping up as the rest of us dance around the room. Nice guitar work. Sarazino includes members from Algeria and Ecuador and have the many seasonings of the world at their fingertips, including a wah-wah guitar of all things. Good, steady rah beat. For the older folks here who like to dance along with the youngsters Osibisa shows in with a cut from 1975 (Sunshine Day), and the Zydeco Hi-Rollers really keep the party hopping with Just One Kiss (1996)! Thanks to Putumayo for knowing how to keep a fiesta jumping!
Putumayo World Party