Wall of Impossibilities is a soundtrack of travel into some of the unknown recesses in my mind. I feel I am looking through a wall of water at a dream of people not at peace, but moving slowly, exaggerating their power of destruction. Revised Euth clarifies the picture a bit, with percussion focusing my thoughts on the movements. The wall is moving faster, and the people behind the vision are involved more in a dance than a fight. They travel around each other fluidly, without falling. They slowly get taller and taller and are reaching up toward the sun for strength. Techtonics moves the people away from each other as they reach toward each other. The plane I am observing the action from is also moving, backwards. We drift away and the seas begin moving our small islands up and down so I see one set peaking then receding while another set reaches up. We start swirling, and come closer, crossing, almost able to reach each other through a mist of a waterfall. Still silent. Not quiet, but silent inside. A beautiful ride. The questions remain but no longer have meaning. Meaning is not necessary. This album is the instrumental landscape called Flight School, and is available from both the net labelHollowscene and from the band website Broken Kites. Individual tracks are available at AmieStreet.com.
Brokenkites on eartaste.com
Broken Kites – Resonator: