“Taken less for-granted, you’re a knot that’s worth untying, you are featureless but flying, you are whole among the pieces, you are one.” Spiritual meanderings for my Sunday afternoon. The music is pretty much an acoustic flavored meal with just enough beat to keep these ears tuned in to the message Dan’s sharing. “You’re not alone. Sometimes I don’t believe it either, but it’s been shown that it’s the hurt that makes the healer feel like home.” Definitely thought-provoking. Dan’s voice has the ability to make me feel at home and glad to be listening. “Flying back, but slowly, there’s an ardor to your armor, holy rain you thought you’d die for. Through the cracks I see the hope of afterglow.”
The shout-out tune, Cherry Moon, is an intriguing look at those who protest, presented as a character named Pamela. While I disagree completely with Dan’s assessment that only middle class folks who want to rule protest (let’s face it, the huge underclass would protest of they had enough time in their day – but with both mom and dad working two jobs just to make ends meet, it’s tough to muster up the energy needed to even think about what has put them in this position), I do respect the way he’s able to put the thoughts of a capitalist into poetry and song; plus I always remember the songwriter may be describing the thoughts of another character. Also, I happen to agree about the fruitlessness because there’s truth in this: “This machine doesn’t mind your rage/You know you’re just a snake in a cage.” I feel that way a lot. I love these lines also: “There’s a cherry-flavored moon that’s out tonight, so I guess we’re alright.”
Dan Craig
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