It’s party day! The week is half over, can you believe it? I can't. “Where do we begin? At the beginning or the end?” Good question. Since you’re asking, my opinion is, let’s start at the beginning. But, thanks for asking! Not many people do. Most people pretend they know me before talking to me, and then simply decide it’s not worth the effort to talk to me because they already know who they think I am. And perhaps they’re right. Who really knows? “Where do we go when the going gets too slow?” How about the dance floor? The band has a great beat going, and the song is fun. “Can someone answer the call?” You don’t have to ask this guy twice if you’re calling for the dance floor to fill up. Once The Handcuffs get this party shaking, they continue with “Can't Get The Girl,” which is melody-filled advice as to exactly what it takes to get the girl. All packaged in good, old fashioned cynical rock and roll. The cool-down song also offers some insights to the mysterious, Sex and Violins: “Stradivarius positions in his head.” Those with a twisted mind like mine may swear the vocalist is saying “she loves sex and violence, string quartets and discipline.” But, maybe not. Great fun! The Handcuffs
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17 hours ago