“Whatcha feelin’ baby?” Ah, I’m feeling just right. Friday night catfish fry – sweet peppers on the side with a coupla enchildas. I’m feeling just fine, thanks for asking. I’m lovin’ the loud guitars with the lightly pounded drums – very cool. “Monday mornin’ I fall down and Tuesday’s gone. I’m sobered up by Wednesday. Thursday night is on and on.” Fine singing. You know, every once in awhile I borrow someone’s car and they’re listening to the only radio station up here in the hills. It plays “classic rock” all day, and it makes me wonder why people don’t make music like that anymore. Just good old rock music with guitars, bass, drums, and no gimmicks. The truth is – there’s lots of people doing it, as you can attest by listening to eartaste a few times. And Swampdawamp fits in just perfect with any act living in the past 50 years. Good old fashioned southern-fried rock. “Line up the shots on the bar, take the lady right there on your left.” Thanks for the guitar & drum solos guys – tasted just right! Shoutout tonight for Sometimes, which slows the dance down, but that’s good. Fine slow dancing with the woman on my left.