These two songs do not remind me of zappa except in the aspect that to describe the songs will not ever do them justice. Even sharing the lyrics could give away the whole party. Okay, I’ll share a bit – Alien Jump Rope Party begins with a warning of “Siesta and a fiesta on an alien mother ship.” All the things that happen on your regular alien mother ship journey happens here, including the dreaded probe. Anyone who has taken one of these trips will not be surprised, but the rest of us are in for a true joy ride. The best I can say is you can “party hardy” to this, even dance for short bursts, much like your favorite alien. Surgeon. Well, what can I say? Let’s just say the surgeon forgot to wash his hands. The rest you absolutely have to hear for yourself. What? You’re waiting for the inevitable shoutout? Why? Wasn’t that enough? Okay, to be honest, the entire album is a shoutout. But that doesn’t work too well for my autistic friends who read this every day, so since you insist, I’ll shoutout the oddio dance tunes that’ll keep your party smiling – Rap How I Wanna Rap & Who Got The Huh? Alex Arrowsmith
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