Friday night parties work best when the dance has aerobic qualities – to sweat out the alcohol before driving around the neighborhood. Even if you’re smart enough to keep the party local and walk home, the sweat quality is great, because I think I sleep a lot better when the beer has transformed to sugar and then sweat before my head hits the pillow. The Honeybears are in the business to supply our industry with a much-needed kick in the funk. We’re not looking for deep, philosophical meanderings tonight, we’re looking for a great dance band with a vocalist who works as another instrument, not a philosopher. Shoutouts for gunpowder, another great workout tune, Humpin’, a cool-down banquet for the ears, and Bobby Booshay to rock us into the night with funky soul-power. A fulfilling feast. Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears - Sugarfoot
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