Bass & drum into warn us of impending excitement! “I’m gonna keep on cutting till I get to the bone.” Sounds like a warning, but it’s too much fun to take seriously. “I want to dance dance dance on your grave tonight. Well, you gotta catch me first, cause I’m dancing with ya. Exciting tune, would make the Ramones proud. Makes me very happy that there’s still folks around loving to share their energy with the rest of us. And, just like I always wanted to hear the jacketed boys on the radio, I’m just as sure Vatican DC would make a lotta ears happy this summer if the radio would loosen up. There’s my new mantra – I’m gonna dance dance dance on the grave of radio programmers. I keep telling the music industry bigwigs that if you want people to buy music you need to let them hear the great music that’s being produced. Free the airwaves again!
Vatican DC