“You’d never admit you played a part in ripping us both in two.” The voice is blasting out of the speakers, and there’s no mistaking the emotion. After this burst the whole band joins in, but what a powerful opening. I can’t help by stop and listen to what this narrator has to say. “It’s easy to walk when you run from all the years I stole from you.” It’s difficult to tell just how much blame the narrator places on himself, but there’s a glimpse that perhaps he’s willing to share part of the blame. Maybe. “There’s no harder life that I can lead than when I am with you.” Whatever the problems between these characters, it doesn’t matter because the music is happening and exciting, so the entity becomes one great pop song you should be hearing over a radio near you this summer. “Yes I know that you still care.” Shoutouts to Friend to a Stranger and If You're Gonna Leave.
Emerson Hart