This was too much fun to leave as a shoutout, so we get a double eartaste of smug tonight. “I’m trying to write a hit song, hoping this is is song, sounding like a **it song, think I better quit song.” Slow dance, we can even call it a danceable 3 minute ballad . “I’m checking all the videos, all the dog and pony shows, does anyone care to know the emperor’s got no clothes? Guess I shoulda wrote a ballad and talk about how much I miss my girl. Guess I shoulda wrote a ballad, but another dumb love song won’t change the world.” Again I need to highlight the guitar playing in this group. But that’s not their only strength.
The group works together, and knows many musical tricks to get you up close to the speakers, such as dynamics. These guys can play soft to make a point, and bring the sound back up to blasting – a trait that shows they think about presentation more than most groups. “I cling to a pipe dream connected to the music scene. Girls and booze and limousines, it’s really kind of obscene. For he who has the final say is quick to put your money away. It happens each and every day, the industry is so cliché. Guess I shoulda wrote a ballad and talk about how much I miss my girl. Guess I shoulda wrote a ballad, another corny song gonna make me hurl.” Shoutout for It’s Me, with lots of intriguing time changes while still remaining danceable. Smug
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