I’m so glad the Alex comes around once in awhile to sing me back to surreality. “In the ice creamed flavored future I have my own missile silo. And everyone you know has a missile silo.” Okay, maybe it’s not surreal, perhaps it’s prophecy. With everyone hating their neighbors for things they express out loud, it’s not that hard to imagine that Alex is on to something. But, then when we find out there’s a steak house in each missile silo I’m finding myself wandering around to look at the hummingbirds. Oops, nope, that’s another cool song. Well, at least I can admire his gas station jacket. Oops, that’s another album. I still want to share that with anyone who hasn’t found the last Alex album I talked about. Anyway, back to wandering through this song. “I’ll make a scientist out of scraps of tissues.” Hmm, enough scientists so we can put them to work creating new drugs to destroy our livers and kidneys. Ah, heck with it, dance and sing! “I’ll make a man out of you! I’ll throw you a perfect siesta!” Thanks Alex! Shoutout for Hummingbird, “one more trip to the birdfeeder.” Alex Arrowsmith
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